Bo Bishop & Associates LLC



Please be advised :
By downloading and installing any of these catalog(s), you accept complete and total responsibility for any drawings, orders or pricing generated there from.
You have the full responsibility to review the information before release, presentation and/or use. BBA LLC, The Manufacturer nor 2020 Technologies Inc accepts neither responsibility nor liability for the use of the information included in said catalog(s) for any reason. Catalogs are provided as a convenience to the Manufacturer’s Client Base at no charge and the use of 2020 Software and Manufacturer’s Catalog(s) is purely elective by the Manufacturer’s Client Base and is not required to conduct business with the Manufacturer.
It is suggested that the Manufacturer’s Written Catalog/Spec Book be used in conjunction with the downloaded catalog(s) to produce your designs.



Should you encounter issues with your browser and not be able to access the download site through the acceptance process, please send an email of acceptance to the terms above and we will attempt to send you a link to download the catalogs.